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Cargo Flags

Company's self report a list of Cargo/Commodity Types that they specialize in. We provide three possible filters for searching company's based on these types.

Filter FieldValue TypeResulting Behavior
carrier_cargotype_flagsnumberIncludes Carriers that include any of the specified flags
carrier_excl_cargotype_flagsnumberExcludes Carriers that include any of the specified flags
carrier_cargotype_otherdescstringRuns a keyword search against the CARGO_OTHER field and includes any matching carriers

How It Works

The Cargo flags for the carrier_cargotype_flags and carrier_excl_cargotype_flags are passed in as a single number, where each bit represents a different Cargo Type. The bits, and their numerical values are:

Cargo Flags Example

To include Carriers that haul Logs, Poles, Beams, Lumber or Machinery, Large Objects add the bit values from the table below and set the resulting value in the carrier_cargotype_flags filter:


Since Logs, Poles, Beams, Lumber = 4 and Machinery, Large Objects = 32, we set 4+32 = 36 as the filter value.

List of CargoType BitFlags

DescriptionBit Value
A. General Freight1
B. Household Goods2
C. Metal: Sheets, Coils, Rolls4
D. Motor Vehicles8
E. Drive/Tow away16
F. Logs, Poles, Beams, Lumber32
G. Building Materials64
H. Mobile Homes128
I. Machinery, Large Objects256
J. Fresh Produce512
K. Liquids/Gases1024
L. Intermodal Containers2048
M. Passengers4096
N. Oilfield Eqiupment8192
O. Livestock16384
P. Grain, Feed, Hay32768
Q. Coal/Coke65536
R. Meat131072
S. Garbage / Refuse262144
T. US Mail524288
U. Chemicals1048576
V. Commodities Dry Bulk2097152
W. Refridgerated Food4194304
X. Beverages8388608
Y. Paper Products16777216
Z. Utilies33554432
AA. Agricultural/Farm Supplies67108864
BB. Construction134217728
CC. Water Well268435456
DD. Other536870912